So much pressure, why so loud?
If you don't like my sound you can turn it down.
I got a road and I walk it alone.
We are the one who make the choices. Nak jadi baik atau sebaliknya, pilihan di tangan kita. Nak berlari atau berjalan, terpulang kepada tindakan yang dikawal fikiran. Prinsip hidup sesorang berlainan dengan yang lain. Tapi pastikan jugak bertetapan dengan syariat Allah. Kalau setakat RASA benda tu baik tapi tak YAKIN benda tu baik, tak boleh dijadikan prinsip jugak kan? Kalau tindakan itu bertetapan dengan syariatNya, teruskanlah. Jika tidak, kembalilah. Rasulullah sendiri pernah ditegur oleh Allah. Inikan lagi kita.
Uphill battle I look good when I climb
I'm ferocious, precocious, I get braggadocious
I'm not gonna stop
I like the view from the top
'Kalau la aku boleh putar masa' has once cycled in my mind. Tapi kalau benda tak jadi, how will we learnt right? Your past mistake are meant to guide you, not define you. Hanya sekali putus cinta, tak boleh nak assume semua lelaki itu sama. Hanya seorang yang tudung labuh kritik kau, tak boleh nak judge semua perempuan tudung labuh itu suka menghukum. Tarbiyyah Allah itu berhikmah dan berbeza bagi setiap orang, Someone may learn the smooth way, some may harder. Accept your past with regrets, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear. Be stronger every sec, as it may be questioned by Allah. Bukan natijah yang dilihat, tapi usaha yang dibuat.
You talk that blah-blah, that la-la, that rah-rah
And I'm so done, I'm so over it
Sometimes I mess up, I gave up, I hit and miss
But I'm okay I'm cool with it
Penyakit orang yang berdakwah ni, nak habaq mai la kan, kadang-kadang bila dia tak boleh nak tarik seseorang itu, dia akan stop. Sebab tak semestinya dia suka dengan style kita, mungkin dia lebih selesa dengan pendakwah yang lain. Dan Allah ada sebab kenapa Dia tak bagi jalan nak dakwah tu senang. Kalau senang nak tarik orang. riak akan timbul. Akan mula cakap 'dia baik sebab aku la yang ajak, kalau tak hampeh'. Kalau senang nak dakwah orang, something wrong somewhere la tu. Rasulullah pun kena kutuk hebat, tapi kita cakap pasal agama and still boleh stay dalam safe-zone? Hmmm. Satu ja kena ingat, Allah tak bagi ujian melebihi kemampuan. Soooo...masih hidup lagi kan? Boleh makan megi kawin lagi kan? Ok la tu.
I still fall on my face sometimes
And I can't color inside the lines cuz
I'm perfectly incomplete
I'm still working on my masterpiece
I wanna hang with the greats
Got a way to go but its worth the wait
No, you haven't seen the best of me
I'm still working on my masterpiece.
Nobody's perfect is not an excuse. Because nobody is perfect. Isn't valid enough? If you wanna see the person that can changed your life, take a look in the mirror. Sometimes, I just can't take the negativity anymore. It'll burst my anger. Dia macam, boleh tak kau fikir positif sikit? Kalau kau takda duit, macam mana kau nak bagi duit kat orang? If you are surrounded by the negative thought, how can you spread the positive vibes? Its ridiculous. C'mon. Smile, you do not own all problems in the world.
"Those who have believed and whose hearts by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured."
(Ar-Rad : 28)
Btw, its Masterpiece by Jessie J. Sometimes, I wonder why the non-muslims are more positive that the Muslims themselves. Benarlah kata-kata Syed Qurtubi, beliau mengatakan "Di Barat, aku lihat Islam tanpa Muslim. Tetapi di Timur, aku lihat Muslim tanpa Islam."